Puzzle – The Killing of the Demon Aghasura and Bakasura
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The Killing of the Demon Aghasura and Bakasura
Puzzle 1: Aghasura the brother of Putana and Bakasura appeared in the forest of Vrindavan, sent by Kamsa desiring to kill Krishna and His companions. The demon assumed the form of a python, expanding himself to a length of eight miles and the height of the mountain with his mouth and he laid on the road. Krishna’s friends thought the demon’s figure a subject for their sporting pleasure and proceeded towards the mouth of the python; confident that even if the figure was dangerous, Krishna was there to protect them. Krishna entered the mouth of the gigantic asura to save the boys. He expanded his body to such an extent that the asura suffocated and died. Krishna by His nectarean glance brought His friends back to life and with pleasure, they all came out unhurt.
Puzzle 2: Krishna and Balarama brought the calves to a reservoir of water to allow them to drink. Right by the reservoir, the boy saw the great-bodied demon named Bakasura assumed the body of the duck, with a sharp beak, resembling a mountain peak broken and struck down by a thunderbolt. He immediately swallowed Krishna. Krishna burned the root of the demon’s throat, Baka disgorged Him. The demon could sense that Krishna was unharmed having been swallowed, he attacked Krishna with his sharp beak. Krishna captured the demon by the two halves of the beak and very easily bifurcated him as a child splits a blade of Virana grass.
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