Puzzle – Delivering Nanda and Yamalarjuna Trees

Puzzle – Delivering Nanda and Yamalarjuna Trees



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Krishna Delivers the Yamala-Arjuna Trees

One day Nalakuvara and Manigriva were enjoying with naked girls in a lake and shamelessly walking here and there. Suddenly Narada Muni passed by, but they were so maddened by their wealth and false prestige that even though they saw Narada Muni present, they remained naked and were not even ashamed. Therefore Narada Muni set an example by cursing these two persons to become dull and unconscious like trees. This was a fit punishment. But because Krishna is always merciful, even though they were punished they were fortunate enough to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face. Therefore the punishment given by Vaisnavas is not at all punishment; rather, it is another kind of mercy. By the curse of the Devarsi, they became twin arjuna trees and remained in the courtyard of Nanda Maharaja, waiting for the opportunity to see Krishna directly. Lord Krishna, by the desire of His devotee, uprooted these Yamala-Arjuna trees, and when Nalakuvara and Manigriva were thus delivered by Krishna after one hundred years of the devas, their old consciousness revived, and they offered Krishna prayers suitable to be offered by demigods.